Diesel only the brave smells like
Diesel only the brave smells like

diesel only the brave smells like

An hour later the leather note arrives, in the form of a chemical resonance that is softened by comforting amber. And this is where the fragrance shows all its components, mustering up humble complexity for the nose to enjoy, unexpected in this segment. Here the violet is masculine and friendly. A soft violet note joins the chorus after 15 minutes as the fruitiness subsides, and this is when the fragrance impresses most. This opening accord is unashamedly synthetic, as though it's boasting about it's artificiality because it's actually a decent abstract impression rather than a cheap substitute.

diesel only the brave smells like diesel only the brave smells like

OTB opens with a powerful and sweet orange/apple fruitiness that is devoid of zest. But in the mid-level designer world the original OTB holds its head high and is actually quite decent quality for younger 20-somethings. It has obnoxious packaging, synthetic notes from start to finish and it was followed by flankers that tarnished the reputation of this reasonably competent original. On the other hand, OTB was never going to do well here on Basenotes. In that context, it's actually very good, excellent even. Only the Brave is a fragrance for young guys who receive it as a gift.

Diesel only the brave smells like