Diablo 2 best leveling guide
Diablo 2 best leveling guide

Switch the difficulty to World Tier 2 and complete the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon to unlock World Tier 3.

diablo 2 best leveling guide

This is your new home to level in until you’re ready for World Tier 2 Capstone dungeon to enter World Tier 3. This allows you to re-run the Stronghold and gain crazy amounts of experience as well as loot. Instead of finishing the Stronghold you’ll simply log out & log back in (or leave party and re-invite each other if you’re in a party) to reset the encounter. in here you’ll run the entirety of the Stronghold encounter except for the boss.

  • Now you’ll want to head north-west of Kyovashad to a Stronghold called Kor Dragan.
  • You will run this until you are at the very least level 25, preferably higher, due to the next step. The purpose of this route is to run the dungeon, then leave it and do one rotation of either of the routes shown in the image below this list, killing packs of Ghouls. Note that if you’re playing in a party you’re straight up resetting & running this dungeon all the way to level 25+.
  • Once you are either done with the campaign, skipped the campaign entirely on a secondary character, or if you ever need extra experience to catch up in levels during the campaign, you will do what we will call “ The Ghoul Route“ this is referring to a circular route you will want to run East of Kyovashad, in Fractured Peaks, just outside the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon ( see image below this list).
  • If you already have a character that has completed the campaign, then you should Skip the Campaign.
  • If this is your first character, go through the campaign as quickly as possible, on World Tier 1 difficulty.
  • diablo 2 best leveling guide diablo 2 best leveling guide

    This is the basic outline of what we currently believe to be the fastest and most efficient speed leveling strategy in Diablo 4.

    Diablo 2 best leveling guide